jeudi 4 mars 2010

6 Steps To Successful Affiliate Marketing

Finally a super affiliate reveals how he makes $1,000's every week. Now he is showing people how he does it.

Nothing is left out in his in-depth book, detailing everything you have to know to succeed.

1. So you want to get into affiliate marketing. This is very competitive so you'll have to know some insider tricks first.

2. Finding the best products is crucial to your success. Digital one's have proven to be the best converting as they can be downloaded immediately by your customer. People love receiving their product straight away.

3. Everyone should have a lead capture page. All the top guru's maintain that the money is in the list, so it makes sense to have one. With your lead capture page, you'll capture their name and email address. This you can use to sell other things of interest.

4. Then you'll need a good auto responder, this email software is essential for anyone doing business on the net. You can find them on the net, just do a Google search, the most popular ones are, Aweber and Getresponse.

5. Offer a FREE product to get them to sign up for your news letter, this way they feel like their getting something of value. You should offer something good, people don't want junk. Help them, people love help, it will gain you credibility. This is very important, for people to trust you.

6. When they've signed up, don't just ignore them. Keep in touch and every now and then send them something free. This will keep them trusting you.

7. Now you should start promoting your site. Without traffic you won't get any sales, no sales = no income. You don't want that. You can use Pay Per Click like Google, or you can find email companies that will send out your promo. Or you can do article marketing, which you can find out more at my Squidoo site

8. Look for some joint venture partners, a lot of top marketers use this tactic. Look for your niche keyword on say, Google, then go to the top sites on your search. Contact them if they have contact details, and ask them if they'd like to help you promote your product. Offer them something really good, like a percentage of the profits.

9. Don't forget, look for your products on sites like, Clickbank, Commission Junction, which are some of the favorites. Check out the percentages they offer. Above 50% is good, a lot now offer 75%. Choose the ones on the front page as they are the most popular.

10. Now, once this campaign is going 'gung ho' repeat the whole process. At this stage you should know that there are programs that help you do all of this. By joining a solid site that has a proven track record, you're going to fast track your ability to get up and running. So where do you find one of these sites, well, check out my resource box and you'll find out.

Now that you've got a good idea on how to get going on affiliate marketing, you can start on your first site. If you're a little daunted why not check out a good site that walks you through everything. They supply squeeze pages and lots more for you to get started. Check out my blurb at the bottom in the resource box.

This article may be used on your site, ezine, blog or whatever, so long as you include my bio box below.

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